Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

Wedding Anniversary Symbols

Nowadays, marriages are apparently difficult to hold together, without finding fault, which needs a divorce. With the current divorce rate is increasing day by day, people suffer from too much pressure on their workplaces and the demands on the national level, given that very little attention to justify quarrels between married couples. But this does not mean that we should despair. We have much to be thankful for all the years that we share together as a couple and as such, every birthday should be celebrated as a great event and what better way to celebrate as having special gifts to each other for the occasion?

Like all traditions of marriage, a gift has a story that is guided by two years, you were married. For example, a 25-year marriage is supposed to be your silver jubilee and, therefore, donations of money must be shared between couples. This May seem extravagant, but it is consistent with the importance you place on your marriage, and believe me, 25 years is a long time, not just your money, you should be giving each other.

The symbols began as a way to share the gifts by married couples and there is really no order until it began to spread around a new idea that things have the order and relevance. Then there was an obvious change when the calendar was introduced across borders that people have chosen to be selective and made their own changes here and there where tradition and modernity symbols.
Below are the symbols that most gift shops around the world go by and are a gift calendar that was created in the United States of America was then extended to the United Kingdom, including changes, even if the Germans had such an arrangement earlier.

The first ten years

Modern Traditional

1 Paper Clocks
2 Cotton China
3 Leather Crystal
Fruits and Flowers 4 electrical
5 Wood Silver
6 Candy wood or iron
7 Wool and Copper Desk sets
8 Bronze and lace and pottery Linens
9 Leather Pottery & willow
10 of tin or aluminum Diamond jewelry

The next 11 - 20 years

11 Steel fashion jewelry
12 Silk & Linen color gemstones, pearls, in particular
13 Lace Textiles or furs
14 Gold jewelry d'Ivoire
15 Crystal Watches
Platinum China 20

Later Years

Silver 25 Silver
30 Diamond Pearl
35 Coral Jade
40 Ruby Ruby
45 Sapphire Sapphire
50 Gold
55 Emerald Emerald
60 diamonds

Creativity is encouraged and the gift should not be very expensive. Remember that the gesture is symbolic, a celebration of a beautiful life together, the unity of all these years later and as such, you have 365 days between the anniversaries of planning your next gift. If you and your spouse prefers the traditional approach to modern, you can still use the calendar as a guide.

Some May be accessorized or combined with the two aspects of functionality, for example, you can have a little steel box jewelry personalized or engraved with the initials or the name and when she opens it she finds a collection of fashion jewelry collection . Whatever you do, do not spend too much misery to you, much later.

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