Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

Make last minute

May this familiar to you: you have reached a milestone and you are happy - for a day. So you go further: a promotion at work, a dream vacation. But all too soon, you are, where you started, at least emotionally.

Happiness researchers know this pattern, too, and called the "hedonic treadmill." Thus, lasting happiness is possible?

It is. Half of our happiness is determined at birth, while the external circumstances account for only 10%. The remaining 40% of our happiness is within our power to change. How? In practice the habits of thought and action that people are happy permanently separated from the rest of us.

Research has shown how and why certain methods work happiness. Here, in no particular order, there is among the seven tested - and demonstrate a new approach to everyone.

Commit to goals

Find something significant staff at work - and move forward. Choose goals that are authentic and enriching nature will continue, even on vacation. (The opposite type, which do not require as much happiness, are the objectives you choose for the money, status and other rewards.) Then, determine when, where and how to take steps to achieve them.

Why it works

If you have already felt the disappointment, after having reached a goal that you thought you'd be happy, you know, the path to a goal-May be less satisfactory than the destination. Much of the joy of the procedure is related to the objectives to include in your life. The achievement of milestones on the path of the main objectives gives you a feeling of joy and pride, whatever briefly, and move you with a sense of competence and control. Purpose of the prosecution also requires managing your time and gives you something to hope for. Finally, the pursuit of goals often involves other people such as teachers and partners, and these relationships to meet a basic need of man seated at the place.

Keep in mind

While perseverance is a good thing, it is better to remain flexible. Sometimes, circumstances beyond your control force you to give up a goal - and recent research shows the benefits of doing so.

Spend more time on the flow

Spend time in an activity in which you lose yourself - during which you do not have the time. For some, it is to work with their hands, such as gardening or needlework. Reading a good book or having a conversation could also put you in a state of flux.

Why it works

Instead of dwelling on the past or to be tomorrow, you are immersed in the present, doing something you love. In addition, the flow tends to be productive and controllable - and do not cause guilt or other unwanted side effects.

Keep in mind

Some things you just learn not to put you in a state of flux. Most of our free time, we are not committed. We need a little time for the vegetables - but if you spend hours in front of the television or the Internet, ask yourself if you really like you, and what you could do instead that will be satisfactory.

Maintaining relations

Recognize that a person can change a relationship - and to seek ways to invest in your marriage, family and friendships.

Why it works

Strong relationships are a strong predictor of your happiness. The person is happy, it is more likely to have a large circle of friends, a romantic partner and a major social assistance - which helps in the practical and emotional ways, especially in times of stress. Also, relations go hand in hand with love, that feels good in itself. But often, you start to take your marriage or friendship for himself - and that leads to the relationship declining.

Fortunately there are many ways you can change you have an impact on your relationships. Research shows that things like admiring the other person, expressing his gratitude and spend time together, are very effective. Variety and surprise to maintain relations increasingly obsolete and unsatisfactory.

Keep in mind

You are surrounded by many people, so while your family is important, there are many other relationships that you can cultivate.

Show kindness

Try to do something you do not have the habit - giving money to a new charity, take your neighbor you some baked muffins or pay someone a compliment. The things you normally do not change your happiness - but you can do small things that make you feel good and contribute to the world.

Why it works

Kindness has its consequences. Even a small act of kindness, like helping a person through groceries in the street, can launch a powerful waterfall. It can improve your mood and make you feel better about yourself, what could make you more creative in a presentation that could make a compliment to your supervisor, who makes you a better company during lunch with friends, which strengthens the bonds of friendship.

Keep in mind

Some forms of goodness - in particular the care of full-time - can wreak havoc, leaving you overwhelmed, unappreciated and resentful. If you think you are already a lot from you, vary your acts of kindness.


Write a letter to thank someone who made a difference in your life - for example, a parent, teacher or mentor at work.

Why it works

We tend to get used to a lot of good in our lives and take for granted. Expressing its satisfaction requires you to do the opposite. Also, recognition of an "upward spiral of positive effects as well. If you're really happy, people will respond positively, it could strengthen the bonds of friendship, and you have a charity in general.

Keep in mind

Your letter of recognition should not be formal or sentimental. Do what feels natural for you. If a strange e-mail is more your style, go with that.

Growing optimism

A journal of optimism. First, imagine yourself in 10 years, as if all your dreams have come true. Then, describe what looks to the future and how you got there.

Why it works

Write on a positive future is not only fun - it makes you clarify your goals and helps you see that it is feasible. Optimism motivates us and leads us to take the initiative. If you think you will achieve your goals, your efforts to achieve them, and persevering, even when you click the inevitable obstacles.

Keep in mind

Contrary to popular belief, the optimists are not always unrealistic. While the world is cruel in May, it is also true that it can be wonderful. Be optimistic or pessimistic, is a question of which side you choose to focus on.

Coping with adversity

When you experience a trauma or crisis - like a car accident or bad news about health - trying to target the problems of adaptation. This is usually the way to put aside all other activities, seeking advice, a plan of action and plan for the fight against one step at a time.

Why it works

When trauma occurs, you can choose to respond in the management of the situation or management of our emotional reaction. Women tend to react emotionally. This can be healthy, but even at its best, it is not a substitute for fixing a car or get medical treatment. People who use the target adjustment problems get less depressed because of stress.

In addition, one study showed that women are more focused on learning strategies of problem, probably because they have already practiced the emotional side.

Keep in mind

Not all traumatic events are a practical solution, an approach focusing on the problems will not always work. In these cases, to achieve the effectiveness of emotional adaptation tools.

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